What We Do

Our mission is to help safeguard and improve the waters and watershed of Roaring Brook Lake in Putnam Valley, New York.

 Why did we start a foundation?

We are fortunate to live near a lake that has water quality good enough for us to swim in. In the last two years, Roaring Brook Lake has faced fewer problems with harmful algae blooms and weeds than it has in the past. However, many indicators, including the all-important phosphorus concentration in the lake, suggest that we are close to a tipping point where sustaining good water quality - and seeking to improve it - will take additional resources. For example, once the foundation has funds, it can financially support homeowners who want to replace their aging septic systems with modern technology, it can offer support to homeowners who want to improve stormwater management on their properties, and it can acquire unbuilt land in the watershed area, restore it, and, through conservation easement, keep that land forever wild. 

How will we raise money for the foundation?

There is a significant opportunity to apply for and obtain grants from government and nonprofit organizations in support of environmental activities such as ours. We will be eligible to apply for  such funding because we are a nonprofit organization registered with the IRS as a 501(c)3. Additionally, we will seek to raise funds from lake residents, by encouraging all residents to donate what they feel they are able to - no donation is too small. 

Who would decide how the foundation’s money is used?

The foundation has a board of directors that will need to approve all expenditures. The co-founders of the foundation are Sarah Bartlett and Ina Cholst. At the outset, Sarah will serve as the chair of the board and Ina will be the vice-chair.

How is this organization different from the RBL Property Owners Association?

The RBLPOA is not formally registered with the IRS as a 501(c)3, and therefore donations to the POA are not tax deductible. For the same reason, the RBLPOA is not eligible to apply for government grants. The Fund for RBL is formally approved by the IRS; all funds (or stock and property) donated to it are tax deductible and it is eligible to apply for grant funding. In addition, the mission of the Fund for RBL is different in that it is primarily ecological, focused on improving the quality of the water and the watershed and on corresponding educational activities. 

How will The Fund for RBL work with the RBLPOA?

Our hope and expectation is that The Fund for RBL will work closely with the POA to ensure that our goals are aligned and mutually supportive. We have designed the mission of the foundation to make sure that it complements, rather than competes with, the POA. We also plan to work closely with other local organizations such as the RBL Garden Club.

What authority would the foundation have to implement its goals?

The foundation has no authority to require residents to take specific actions. It is our hope, however, that by offering education and funding for certain activities, such as upgrading septic systems and planting native species, we will incentivize behavior that will result in a cleaner, clearer lake and a diverse and ecologically healthy watershed.