New Septic Technology
On Sunday August 11th, more than a dozen RBL neighbors attended a meeting with Pat Tyndall of Tyndall Septic Systems to learn about new septic technology. Tyndall installs a variety of septic systems in the region and has been spreading the word at various community forums about a new product called the CRX II made by the Japanese company FujiClean. The CRX II was recently approved for use in Putnam County, is reasonably priced, easy to maintain, and, most importantly for Putnam Valley homeowners, removes more phosphorus from wastewater than other available systems.
Limiting the amount of phosphorus in lakes like Roaring Brook is especially important because excessive levels contribute to toxic algae (also known as Harmful Algal Blooms, or HABs) and the overgrowth of lake weeds. HABS can limit recreational enjoyment of the lake, affect water clarity and lower property values. They have often resulted in beach closures at RBL and other lakes.
In addition to removing phosphorus and nitrogen (another harmful pollutant), the CRX II removes the human disease-producing microbes from wastewater that are the focus of all septic systems. However, its design utilizes three small treatment tanks and requires a smaller field because the wastewater it emits is very clean. (The fields are needed for water dispersal only.) Tyndall says the cost to install a CRX II ranges from $10,000 to $12,000.
Tyndall offers yearly maintenance on the systems he installs, for a cost of about $200, which includes pumping out the system when needed. At some point, the magnetized iron plates will need to be replaced. He hasn’t yet had to replace any, but believes that when that is needed, it will cost between $20 and $30 per plate.
To watch the video recording of the meeting, please click on this link. With apologies, the recording starts about five minutes after the meeting began.
The Fund for Roaring Brook Lake encourages residents to consider pumping out their septic tanks every three years, as is common on many lakes, rather than the five currently required by local law.
Fred Cook Septic and Wind River Environmental have offered to give a discount to RBL residents when they pump. Although we recommend confirming the pricing and all payment details when arranging for a pump-out, Wind River has told us it will charge RBL homeowners $255 for a 1,000 gallon tank, plus $65 for fuel and taxes and a $15 fee for “environmental compliance”. To arrange for a pump-out from Wind River, call Dawn Harris at (973) 307-9639. Fred Cook charges RBL residents $295 for the first 1,000 gallons. Cook’s number is (914) 685-6393.